I’ve had 4 days to physically recover from the 24 hour show and I’m feeling much stronger. I would write a description for you of my experience during the show, but I’m not sure I have a coherent way of talking about it, so i’ll just sit on that for a while. If you want to ask me in person I’ll try my best to explain. I’m pretty sure I was out of my body for a good portion of the later hours. In any case, my experience of this 24 hour show was really an experience of years not hours, and I mean that literally. So the final 24 hours of that experience were part of a larger whole time in my life which had great joys and great challenges, and really has fundamentally changed me as an artist and person. Thank you Taylor for trusting me with this — I am eternally grateful. And thank you Pomegranate Arts (Linda, Alisa, and the whole team) for making the impossible possible. There are too many others to thank here but I will do so in person if I haven’t already. But to all the musicians I just want to say that you filled me with so much spirit and gave so much support and fine craftsmanship that I was totally overwhelmed. I feel so close to all of you for so many reasons. Thank you for making my dreams come true.
I’ve received many kind messages from both people I know and from people I don’t who were in attendance. I want to personally thank the audience for showing the stamina and commitment to staying for the whole experience, and remaining in the theater and present for the entire 24 hours. The theater was always full (!!!!) — even with people making journeys to go to the bathroom, catch a quiet break, or sleep in the hayloft or on the floor in the lobby. You were extraordinary, and though I obviously could not be down amongst you during the concert I felt completely filled with your energy, love, and care during the experience. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Yours in Dandy Revenge,
Matt xoxo